Sunday Worship Services

We welcome you to join us each Sunday at 10:30 A.M.  for our traditional Sunday service! Each Sunday, we come together to worship, sing, pray, and connect with God and each other. Our church is a "Lay Person led" church, which is a fancy way to say that our church members lead our services when there is not a Priest available on a Sunday morning. We currently do not have a full time Priest on staff at St. James, so we celebrate the Eucharist (communion) two times or more per month, when a priest is available. Our church is under the direction of the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma.

What To Expect

At St. James Episcopal Church, you’ll find a church that provides a welcoming and supportive community, relevant teachings that address life challenges, engaging worship experiences, opportunities to serve others, and a sense of connection with like-minded individuals. We prioritize a feeling of belonging and spiritual growth within the congregation. At St. James you can expect:

  • A welcoming atmosphere: You’re always valued and included at St. James. 
  • Strong community: Opportunities for fellowship and building meaningful relationships. 
  • Relevant teachings: Sermons and teaching that address current issues and are applicable to daily life. 
  • Traditional & engaging worship style: Worship practices that resonates with the congregation and encourages participation. 
  • Social outreach: Active involvement in community service projects, outreach to and inclusion of marginalized persons and a commitment to social justice issues. 
  • Authentic leadership: Leaders who are knowledgeable, genuine, transparent, and approachable. 
  • Opportunities to serve: Ways to contribute skills and talents to a growing church & community. 
  • Spiritual growth: A place to learn and deepen your faith.

St. James is a “come as you are” kind of church. Some people dress up for Sunday services, others attend in a t-shirt and shorts.  At St. James, you can expect to find a congregation that respects the dignity of all people. We truly believe that every church is called to be a “house of prayer” for all people, without conditions, restrictions or discrimination, and that includes all of our LGBTQ+ siblings! In our church, you'll find a congregation where ALL are welcomed and ALL are loved, no exceptions!

Our Sunday service begins at 10:30 A.M., we sing hymns from the historic Episcopal Hymnal, read scripture from the Holy Bible, hear a sermon read, offer prayer, and when the service is led by a Priest we celebrate the Eucharist (communion). The celebration of the Eucharist (communion) is open to all, and no church membership or church affiliation of any kind is required. We welcome you to join us at St. James this Sunday!

Have a question? Please send us a message via our Contact section for more information.

How We Worship

In The Episcopal Church we use The Book of Common Prayer to guide our services. When you visit St. James, you’ll find this book (the book with a red cover) in the book holder, located on the back of each pew. We use what is known as a liturgical form of worship in our services. The use of the term liturgy or liturgical, has come to mean many things over the years, but in a nutshell, it essentially means two things: that all the people – clergy, ministers, congregation – are participants in the worship service; and that everything we use, do, and wear in the service has meaning.

During worship time we sing from the historic Episcopal Hymnal, we pray for each other, the people in our community, our nation and the world. We read scripture and Psalms from the Holy Bible, and we celebrate the Eucharist (communion) together, keeping Jesus, the Gospels and the Holy Trinity at the center of our worship services. For more information on the beliefs of The Episcopal Church, or to watch an informational video about typical Episcopal worship services, click on the button in the "Learn More" section below to learn more about the Episcopal way.

What Is "Celebrating The Eucharist"?

When referring to this sacrament, you may know the Eucharist as Holy Communion. The term Eucharist is from the Greek, “thanksgiving.” Jesus instituted the Eucharist “on the night when he was betrayed.” At the Last Supper he shared the bread and cup of wine at a sacred meal with his disciples. He identified the bread with his body and the wine with his blood of the new covenant. Jesus commanded his disciples to “do this” in remembrance of him (see 1 Cor 11:23-26; Mk 14:22-25; Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:14-20). Christ's sacrifice is made present by the Eucharist, and in it we are united to his one self-offering. The Eucharist is also called the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, the Divine Liturgy, the Mass, and the Great Offertory, depending on what Christian tradition the Eucharist is celebrated in. Our church usually celebrates the Eucharist twice per month or more, when our services are led by a Priest. In The Episcopal Church, all are welcome to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, by receiving the bread and wine in "communion" with the congregation. St. James Church and The Episcopal Church believes that everyone is welcome at The Lords Table!

Want To Learn More?

Want to learn more about the beliefs and practices of The Episcopal Church? Click the button below to visit our Beliefs & Practices page.

“The welcoming atmosphere at St. James Episcopal Church makes you feel right at home. You can truly find a community of faith and support here.”