Join in on the discussion Wednesdays @ 6:00 P.M.

St. James Episcopal Church 303 E. Church St. Wagoner, OK.


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Walking the way of love:

We invite you to visit the Walking The Way of Love Blog.  A blog dedicated to discussions on living a Jesus centered life, in our modern world. 

Living A Jesus Centered Life, The Way Of Love.

Jesus once said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”. Theologically speaking there’s a lot to unpack in that statement for sure, and In the Episcopal Church, we take that statement seriously! At St. James, we recognize that following Jesus is a journey, a lifelong journey filled with learning, questions, action and love. The early followers of Jesus called Jesus’ teachings “the way”, and as we examine the Gospels, a clear picture of “the way” begins to emerge. We see the emphasis Jesus placed on a Father, a loving God, loving each other, and living in unity as a way of life. We see a snapshot of Jesus’ followers living in community with each other, sitting around tables, eating together, discussing and learning together, and building cohesive relationships with each other. We see a group of people committed to the teachings and “the way” of Jesus, a way that is clearly defined as a “way” of love. Taken all together, we see in the writings of the Gospels that those early followers of Jesus, the early “Christians”, were totally committed to this way of love, the way that follows the example that Jesus set for humanity. This is what The Way of Love Fellowship Group is all about. Following the teachings, “the way”, the way of love that we find in the Gospels, exemplified by the life of Jesus, in our contemporary and modern lives. Then, living a more "Jesus centered" life & sharing that love with everyone that we can!


In the Spring of 2024, The Way Of Love Fellowship Group was created at St. James Episcopal Church, using the teachings on the Way of Love in The Episcopal Church as a springboard to launch this group. We’ve created a space where participants can come together each Wednesday evening, and find a place to share in “the way” with others. Each time we meet, we share a meal, discuss the Gospels, ask questions, learn from each other, build relationships and unity with each other, and find a place of sanctuary in the seemingly “never ending” chaos of modern life, and the world around us. The group is open to anyone from any Christian tradition, those that have no “church background”, and even those that just have questions about Jesus and the example Jesus has set for humanity. EVERYONE is welcome to sit with us around the table, share a meal, join in on the discussion, and find a “place to belong” and a place of “community” at St. James Episcopal Church.

*This group, and The Episcopal Church is LGBTQ welcoming, affirming and inclusive.

For additional information about this group, please call or text our Group Facilitator:

Ron Lee-Faulconer

(918) 213-7923

Frequently asked questions about this group:

Where and when does the group meet?

We meet each Wednesday @ 6:00 P.M.. The group session usually lasts about 90 minutes. We usually share a meal, then begin our discussion on the Gospel reading or discussion topic for the evening. 

The address of our church is 303 E. Church Street in Wagoner, OK.  You can park in the parking lot between the church and BancFirst, which is located on the west side of the Church. 


What does the group discuss?

We try to keep our group discussion time on track with the Gospel reading or topic that is selected for that session. Along with the discussion on the reading, we reflect on how the selected scripture reading is applied in the context of our contemporary, modern lives and world. We encourage everyone to get involved and share in the discussion, especially sharing life experiences that are relevant to our selected topic. We encourage learning from each other!


Do I have to commit to a set of beliefs to be welcomed and active in the group?

No, there is no set list of beliefs that anyone must affirm to participate in this group. We respect the faith traditions of all people, and those that claim no faith or religious traditions at all.  That said, in The Episcopal Church we look to the historical Apostle's & Nicene Creeds to guide us in matters of foundational beliefs within the church. This group exists to create a space to discuss the teachings and "ways" of Jesus and their application in modern day life. It is centered on Jesus and not a particular set of beliefs or belief system.  The Episcopal Church's official statement on "what we believe" is found in the Apostle's and Nicene Creeds. These are the basic beliefs of most Christian denominations and churches. You can read The Creeds HERE.


Are all ages welcome to participate in the group?

All ages are always welcome in this group! We rarely have young people and children attending the group right now, but they are always welcome to! If you would like to attend and have younger children that you would like to bring with you, just let us know ahead of time and we'll make sure that we have some activities planned for them!


Is this group geared mainly for Episcopal Church members?

No, this group is not designed solely for Episcopalians or to reflect Episcopal Church "doctrines" or "theology".  People from any church/faith tradition, or with no church background at all are welcomed and encouraged to participate, share, ask questions and find a place to belong here. This group is geared towards anyone who wants to find community, participate in learning and discussions on the Gospels, the teachings of Jesus, and the way of love.  As a side note, we want you to know that St. James and The Episcopal Church respects the faith traditions and backgrounds of all people.

Is this group welcoming and inclusive to the LGBTQ community?

Absolutely! At St. James, and within The Episcopal Church, you'll find not only a place that is welcoming and affirming to the LGBTQ community, but a church that is totally inclusive of our LGBTQ siblings! In The Episcopal Church, all are welcomed, all are loved, and all are included, without discrimination! As an example of inclusivity, please note that our group facilitator for this group is a member of the LGBTQ community.

I don't know if I believe in God or Jesus, can I attend just to learn more about it?

Absolutely! We welcome anyone who may have questions about God, Jesus, the Holy Scriptures, or are just curious about any of these. You are never required to participate in our discussions and are welcomed to just listen in during "discussion time" if you'd like. If you have questions, please know that you are welcomed to ask them either in the group or one on one with the group facilitator after the group session, whichever makes you feel more comfortable. We welcome anyone who may be questioning or curious about "the way of love", and learning more about Jesus!


I've been hurt by churches before, how do I know this is a safe place for me?

We definitely understand "church hurt". Many of the people that share the table on Wednesday evenings, and for that matter the larger part of the congregation at St. James as a whole, have experienced being hurt in some way by other congregations. So firstly, we want you to know we understand. We also want you to know that one of the hallmarks of The Episcopal Church is respecting the dignity of ALL people. This is actually something we promise individually and communally in our Baptismal Covenant. So, as you can imagine, we take this very seriously. Beyond that, because we understand the experience of "church hurt" and how deeply that it can affect us on a very personal level, we encourage you to contact the group facilitator if you feel disrespected, neglected, or unwelcomed in anyway, by anyone while participating in this group. Our facilitator has completed the Safe Church training that is required and provided by the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. Additionally, if you are not comfortable with speaking with the group facilitator about an issue related to this, please feel free to contact the church or someone from the Vestry of St. James to discuss the matter. This is an issue that we take VERY seriously at St. James. If an issue arises for you, or someone else in the group who may not want to speak up, we want and need to know about it so corrective action can be taken. 


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Have a question? Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!