Community Outreach Warming Station Donation Information:
Want to help in our mission to provide warmth and shelter? Please consider partnering with us to help make a difference in the lives of our Wagoner neighbors! One way you can partner with us by making a donation to the St. James Episcopal Church Warming Station, more information on how you can get connected with us is available below!
Frequently asked questions about warming station donations:
What We Need for the Warming Station:
Financial Contribution Information
Financial contributions to our community outreach ministry are greatly appreciated! Financial contributions help our Outreach Committee fulfill their mission to bring comfort and compassion to people who find themselves in need or in crisis within our community. To donate funds directly to our community outreach efforts, you can now use Cash App and PayPal! When donating via Cash App or PayPal, the money will be automatically deposited into the Outreach Committee Fund and is immediately available for use in our outreach efforts. If you'd like to make a financial contribution in the form of cash, we ask that you our Outreach Coordinator by calling or texting (918) 777-1241 so that we can schedule a time for you to drop off your donation. All donations are tax deductible, please let us know if you'd like a receipt for your donation, and we'll be happy to provide you with one! You may drop off donations to our church which is located at: 303 East Church Street Wagoner, OK. 74467.
To Donate Via Cash App or PayPal:
We welcome your donation to our Warming Station! You will find our Cash App & PayPal information below. All donations received via Cash App or PayPal will be deposited directly into the Warming Station Fund. The fund is then immediately available for use by our Warming Station Committee, to provide warmth to the less fortunate within our community. Our Warming Station Committee and the congregation of St. James Episcopal Church thank you for your generosity!

Cash App: $StJamesWagoner

PayPal: @StJamesWagoner
Need More Info About Donating?
Need more information about making a donation to our outreach committee for operation of our warming station? Please contact our Outreach Coordinator:
Call or text Kellie (918) 777-1241
Additionally, you can send a message to us and well get back with you soon!
Contact Our Outreach Team:
Have questions about donating to the St. James Warming Station?
Send a message and connect with us!