Community Outreach Donation Information

Want to help us in our mission to help others? Please consider making a donation to the St. James Episcopal Church Community Outreach!

Frequently asked questions about donations:

How will my donation be used in the Wagoner Community?

All donations recived for the purposes of our community outreach efforts, will be used in helping to meet the needs of people who find themselves in need or in crisis in our Wagoner area community. We use the donantions to bring comfort and help, showing love and compassion to others at a time when they need it most.

How can I get my donation to the Outreach Committee?

You can drop off your donation at the church on Sunday's during regular service time, or you can CONTACT US to schedule a drop off time. If you are donating a financial contribution, you can use Cash App or Paypal to donate anytime you wish. You may also wish to mail a contribution by check to our church (please do not send cash in the mail). Our church mailing address is: 303 East Church Street Wagoner, OK. 74467. If you wish to donate cash, please schedule a time to drop off your donation.

If you would like for someone to pick up your donation, please contact us to make that arrangement.

Who oversees donations for the St. James Church Community Outreach Ministry?

All of the donations that are recived by St. James Episcopal Church for the purpose of community outreach efforts are managed by the Community Outreach Committee. The Committee gives a monthly report of all activities and donations to the congregation during a monthly "Bishop's Meeting", this reporting includes both donated items and financial contributions made to the Outreach Committee.

Does my financial donation go directly to fund St. James' Outreach Ministry?

Yes! 100% of your financial contribution (minus any applicable electronic processing fees for Cash App or PayPal) goes directly to the Outreach Committee to be used for the community outreach efforts of St. James Episcopal Church.

Are my donations tax deductible?

Yes! Donations are tax deductible. If you'd like a reciept for your donation transaction, please let us know at the time of your donation. Please CONTACT US for more information or questions you may have.

What We Need:

St. James Episcopal Church works throughout the year to help meet the needs of people who find themselves in need in our community. Our efforts are not limited to certain seasons of the year, we are active in serving our neighbors in any way we can, whenever we can. The need is large, and we can only do what we do with the help of people just like you!

We welcome you to become a part of this mission of showing love, compassion and meeting the basic needs of others in our community. Below you will find a list of what we need to carry out our mission of compassion in the Wagoner area. This is not a complete list, as needs in our community change frequently. The items listed below are however our most used items in our outreach efforts. You can also find information on making a financial contribution directly to our outreach ministry in the section below.

Food & Hygiene Items

We welcome donations of food & personal hygiene items throughout the year. Unfortunately we cannot accept clothing item donations other than those listed below due to our limited storage space. If you'd like to donate clothing items, we recommend contacting us and we can direct you to other local ministries that accept and distribute clothing items in our community. 

To schedule a time to drop off, or schedule a pick up of your food and / or personal hygiene item donation, please CONTACT US.

Non-Perishable Grocery Items:

Each month we distribute groceries to those in need on the third Sunday of the month.  We also distribute the grocery bags to those in need if we are contacted between distribution dates by someone who needs food. In addition to the items listed below, we also provide ground beef in each grocery bag. When distributing the bags, we fill them with items that can be used to make varied meals. Please consider donating food items from the list below for our grocery bag distribution. Here's what we need:

  • Dry Rice
  • Boxed Mac & Cheese
  • Tuna
  • Cornbread Mix
  • Mushroom Soup
  • Spaghetti
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • Green Beans
  • Corn
  • Tomatoes
  • Canned Fruit / Fruit Cups
  • Jell-O Cups
  • Dry Beans
  • Toilet Paper

Personal Hygiene Items & Snacks:

In our effort to reach out to the unhoused population, we distribute gallon sized bags that are packed with easily carried items. We make the bags available for pickup from the Wagoner City Library. We also make these bags available when an unhoused person contacts our church for assistance. Pleas consider a donation of these items to help us in our mission to reach the unhoused in our community:

* Please note: we can only use travel sizes of the following items. We pack "zip-lock" bags with these items, to make them easily transportable for Unhoused persons. Most of these items can be purchased in bulk on Amazon or at the dollar store.

Toiletry / Hygiene Items:

  • Shaving Cream
  • Disposable Razors
  • Shampoo / Body Wash / Soap
  • Tooth Brush
  • Combs
  • Chap Stick
  • Sanitary Pads / Feminine Hygiene Pads
  • Men's Socks
  • Women's Socks
  • Gallon Size "Zip-Lock" Bags

Food & Snack Items:

  • Higher Protein Snack Food Items
  • Peanut Butter Crackers
  • Pudding Cups
  • Single Serving Chips

Other Items:

From time to time, we find ourselves in need of donations of items such as blankets,  winter hats, gloves, rain ponchos, tents, and other items. If you would like to donate something that you think may help us in our mission in outreach to the less fortunate, we encourage you to CONTACT US and let us know. If we are in need of specific items beyond those listed here, we generally post that need on our social media pages, so please follow us on Facebook!

Financial Contribution Information

Financial contributions to our community outreach ministry are greatly appreciated! Financial contributions help our Outreach Committee fulfill their mission to bring comfort and compassion to people who find themselves in need or in crisis within our community. To donate funds directly to our community outreach efforts, you can now use Cash App and PayPal! When donating via Cash App or PayPal, the money will be automatically deposited into the Outreach Committee Fund and is immediately available for use in our outreach efforts. If you'd like to mail a check to the church, please note on the check that the donation is for the Community Outreach Fund. We ask that you do not send cash through the mail. If you'd like to make a financial contribution in the form of cash, we ask that you contact us, so that we can schedule a time for you to drop off your donation. All donations are tax deductible, please let us know if you'd like a receipt for your donation, and we'll be happy to provide you with one.  You may mail or drop off donations to our church which is located at: 303 East Church Street Wagoner, OK. 74467. If you'd like more information about donating financially to our outreach efforts, please contact us, and we will connect you with a member of our Outreach Committee 

To Donate Via Cash App or PayPal:

We welcome your donation to our Community Outreach Ministry! You will find our Cash App & PayPal information below. All donations received via Cash App or PayPal will be deposited directly into the Community Outreach Fund. The fund is then immediately available for use by our Outreach Committee, to provide help to the less fortunate within our community.  Our Outreach Committee and the congregation of St. James Episcopal Church thank you for your generosity!

Cash App: $StJamesWagoner

PayPal: @StJamesWagoner

Contact Us

Have questions about donating to the St. James Outreach Ministry?

Send a message and connect with us!