Faith in action, love in motion...
"...for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36 (NRSV)
Please Help Us Help Others.
At St. James we're a small congregation on a big mission! We want to show compassion and love to others, and meet the needs of those who may find themselves in need of food and/or shelter within our community. Our church actively reaches out to those experiencing homelessness and the "less fortunate" in our community. The need is large and at times it can get a bit overwhelming for our small faith community, so we continuously accept donations of essential items like food and hygiene products to assemble care packages. We also accept financial contributions to assist us with our outreach ministry. All donations to our our outreach ministry goes directly to those in need in our community, under the direction of our Outreach Committee. Please consider contributing to this important cause and help us bring love, compassion, comfort and support to those in need in our Wagoner area community.
Our Current / Active Community Outreach
At St. James Episcopal Church:
Food Pantry
On the third Sunday of each month, St. James Episcopal Church distributes bags of groceries to those in need in our community. The food pantry is open from Noon until 1:30 P.M. on those dates, and the grocery bags are available on a first come, first served basis. If you are in need of food/groceries outside of this schedule, please don't hesitate to contact us, we're happy to assist you in getting the resources you need. Additionally, St. James Church can provide a hot meal to those who may need one on Mondays (and some Wednesdays).
Unhoused Outreach
St. James Church provides "Unhoused Bags" to those who might be in need of them. The gallon sized bags are packed with quick protein snacks, gloves, hats, socks and a variety of toiletry items. These are made available to anyone that may need them by contacting the church or by visiting the Wagoner City Library.
In 2024 St. James Episcopal Church partnered with other local ministries to provide hot showers and clothing/shoes (as available) to those who might be in need. In addition, St. James Church is partnered with Bags of Blessings, a community action that provides bags of food, toiletry items and other items to the unhoused and others in need within our Wagoner Community. Bags of Blessings is available at St. James Church on the last Friday of each month. We also have paperwork assistance available to those that might need help with completeing forms for things like drivers license / state issued identification, counseling, education, housing, disability, insurance, Dr. appointments, medications, etc.
If you are currently Unhoused, we welcome you to contact us to find out if we may be able to offer you assistance in finding the resources you need.
Warming / Cooling Station
During periods of extreme hot and cold weather, our church opens our doors to those in our community that may need some relief from the sometimes harsh Oklahoma weather. When the warming / cooling station is open, we provide a place to warm up or cool off and provide snacks / meals to those visiting our church.
Community Service
St. James Episcopal Church has partnered with the City of Wagoner to allow individuals to serve out their Municipal Court ordered community service requirement, while doing odd jobs at our church location and the community with supervision.
Other "Need Based" Outreach
Sometimes people find themselves in a situation in which they just need a little help. Sometimes the food runs out before the month does, and we understand that. The congregation at St. James wants to help our neighbors in any way that we can, and we want to treat you with respect and dignity while we help you find what you're in need of. If we don't have the resources that you need, we'll do our best to try and help you locate those resources if possible. So, if you or someone that you know is in need, please contact us!