An historic church that has stood the test of time....

St. James Episcopal Church is Oklahoma's oldest Episcopal church still in use. It was constructed in 1894 in Indian Territory as a Mission in the Creek Nation Reservation, and listed on the National Register of Historic Places on May 11, 1982. For 130 years, St. James has stood in the Wagoner Community as a beacon of hope, proclaiming the loving, liberating, life-giving way of following Jesus. We are an inclusive church that loves God, loves people, and a congregation who are advocates for a compassionate and just society. You’re always welcome at St. James Episcopal Church,  no matter where you are on life's journey. 

We hope you’ll join us for worship and fellowship this Sunday!

Find a place to live out your faith at St. James Episcopal Church!

St. James Episcopal Church is a place where people are encouraged to live out their Christian faith in a way that honors God, while showing love to our “neighbors” in the community of Wagoner and beyond. We wholeheartedly believe in being “the hands and feet of Jesus”, right here, where we live, work, and play. We’re a “going” church, a missional church, where you can find real opportunity to get involved in reaching out into the community, and helping to meet the needs of others within the context of a loving faith community. We’re a church who seeks social justice, a place where marginalized people can find a home, a place of rest, comfort and support. We’re a church whose focus is fixed on following the way of Jesus, the way of love. We believe that all Christians are called upon to show mercy, compassion, dignity and unity, not just to those we fellowship with on Sunday’s, but to all of humanity. We invite you to learn more about who we are, and how you can find a place to live out your Christian faith in service to others at St. James Episcopal Church.

Sunday Services, Outreach & Fellowship

Traditional Worship Services

Each Sunday morning at 10:30 A.M. the congregation of St. James meets for worship service in our historic church. We invite you to join with us as we gather together to worship God and connect with each other as a community of faith. 


Community Outreach

St. James is a small church with big love for the people in our community! We believe that as Christians, we are called on to reach out to those in our community who may find themselves in need or in crisis in one way or another.  We come together as a church, in service to our community through our outreach efforts!


Bible Study & Fellowship

The Way of Love Fellowship Group meets each Wednesday evening and is open to anyone! Rooted in the teachings of Jesus, this mid-week group is focused on living out our modern lives in a way that reflects the loving, liberating, life-giving ways of Jesus, the way of love.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are your worship services?

Our worship services are held every Sunday at 10:30am. We also have special services for holidays. Our church is located at 303 East Cherokee Street in Wagoner, OK.

Does St. James offer Sunday School classes?

We currently offer a Sunday morning Gospel group that meets at 9:30 A.M. each Sunday. The Sunday morning group meets to discuss the Gospel scripture verses that will be featured in the sermon of that particular Sunday in the worship service. The Sunday morning group meets from 9:30 A.M. to 10:15 A.M. each Sunday.

We are looking forward to the near future when we will offer additional Sunday School options!

Does St. James offer bible study?

Each Wednesday evening starting at 6:45 P.M., The Way of Love Fellowship Group meets in the parish hall. The group is welcoming, affirming and inclusive, no matter where you are on the journey of life. Participants are from varied backgrounds and are not required to attend The Episcopal Church, making the group "non-denominational" in nature. The fellowship time includes a meal together, a discussion and study time of scripture verses from the Gospels, and closes with a time for prayer for the needs of our community. The group also affords participants opportunities to volunteer in St. James community outreach activities.

The Way of Love Fellowship Group is perfect for people who are interested in learning more about and discovering the loving, liberating, life-giving ways of Jesus and their application in modern life. Our scripture texts used for discussion and learning are largely from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Holy Bible. For more information on The Way of Love Fellowship Group you can visit the group’s information page on HERE, or contact the group facilitator by phone, text or email:

Ron Lee-Faulconer

Phone: (918) 213-7923


Is St. James a Catholic Church?

The traditions of the Episcopal Church, while having traces of similarities with the Catholic Church, have unique characteristics that make us stand apart. Our shared heritage is intertwined with the broader tradition of Anglicanism, which emerged in the 16th century as a distinctive Christian tradition. 

What beckons us into the fold of the Episcopal Church is the liturgical beauty and theological inclusivity, imprinting sacramental living into the fabric of everyday life. Yes, like our Catholic siblings, we, too, display a profound reverence for the communal aspect of worship, gathering as a faith community to celebrate the sacraments and bear witness to the Scriptures. Yet, there is a distinct flavor to our liturgical celebration that transcends scripted ritualism and allows individual expression of profound faith. 

Therein lies the crux of the difference. While Catholicism subscribes to a more unified and centralized form of governance and liturgy, the Episcopal Church encourages a certain degree of freedom, allowing dioceses the flexibility to contextualize. This can make Episcopal services feel more accessible to some, with varied worship styles reflecting the unique blend of tradition and innovation within the church body. 

Our sacramental experiences, while familiar to Catholic rituals, differ in nuances. For example, our perspective on Communion is both sacramental and memorial. We believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist but refrain from defining how this mystery unfolds, an approach slightly different from Catholic transubstantiation doctrine. 

Indeed, these diversities in practice and belief create a distinction between the two, where tradition and contemporary thought converge, where reverence and freedom become intertwined. 

To summarize: 

  • The Episcopal Church, with its roots in Anglicanism, has unique traditions distinct from the Catholic Church.
  • While it shares Catholicism's reverence for communal worship, it allows more individual expression in liturgical celebration.
  • The Episcopal Church encourages flexibility in liturgy, differing from the more standardized, unified Catholic practice.
  • There are differences in sacraments; Episcopalians believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist but do not define the mystery by means of particular doctrines like transubstantiation.

These differences foster a rich environment wherein tradition and contemporary thought find union. For more information, please feel free to connect with us!



Is St. James welcoming, affirming and inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community?

The Episcopal Church welcomes all, and at St. James Episcopal Church we love all of our LGBTQ+ siblings! Our church, and The Episcopal Church as a whole is welcoming, affirming and inclusive of those who are members of the LGBTQ+ community. This means that our church and the wider Episcopal Church not only welcomes you to join us for worship and bible study time, but we go further and pledge our support to you and your family, just as we would with anyone! Within The Episcopal Church you will find Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Lay Persons who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community. We welcome you, we love you and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Want to know more about LGBTQ+ organizations & affiliations within The Episcopal Church? Visit this link to find additional resources. 

What are the beliefs of The Episcopal Church?

For more information on what we believe, visit our Beliefs & Practices Page.

Episcopalians believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and that God loves all people. They also believe in the sacraments of baptism and Holy Eucharist. 

God's love

Episcopalians believe that God loves everyone, and that they should strive to love and serve all people. 

The sacraments

Episcopalians believe that baptism and Holy Eucharist are sacraments given by Christ to his church. 

The Nicene Creed

Episcopalians adhere to the Nicene Creed, a statement of belief that expresses the nature of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. 

The Apostles' Creed

Episcopalians use the Apostles' Creed at baptism, which affirms faith in the one God who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us. 

The Holy Spirit

Episcopalians believe that the Holy Spirit dwells within us, inviting us to follow the Way of Love. 

Our Practices

Holy Baptism

Episcopalians believe that baptism is a full initiation into Christ's Body, the Church. 

Holy Eucharist

Episcopalians celebrate Holy Communion, a family meal that includes bread and wine, to remember Christ's life, death, and resurrection. 


Episcopalians believe that all people, including people of all genders and sexual orientations are part of the community of the church, and beyond membership in the church body, can serve as bishops, priests, and deacons. The Episcopal Church respects the dignity of all people, and all are welcomed and included in the church. We believe that inclusion is required of us by the teachings and the way of life exemplified by our Lord Jesus.

Episcopalians welcome and encourage people of all denominations to join them in taking communion.

How can I get involved in community outreach?

We have various community outreach opportunities throughout the year, and you can contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities. We welcome everyone to join with us in our community outreach, without regard to denominations, affiliations or beliefs. Our mission is simple, to love and serve others, and we are always looking for others to join with us in that mission! Please note, church affiliation is not required to participate in any of our community outreach opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering with our community outreach, CONTACT US.

Curious About The Episcopal Church?

Check out the video below to learn more about who we are.

“St. James Church is a beacon of hope and compassion in a world that can seem very dark and even hopeless to some at times. This warm and inclusive community of faith will truly make you feel welcome.”

Contact us

For any inquiries or questions, feel free to reach out to us using the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you!


St. James Episcopal Church

303 East Church Street
Wagoner, Oklahoma, United States

About us

"Advocates for a compassionate and just society through our actions and words"

St. James Episcopal Church is a vibrant, compassionate and inclusive community dedicated to spreading the message of the love of God for all of humanity, and serving in our community. We welcome people of all backgrounds and beliefs to join with us in worship, fellowship, and service.